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If your product has an FSC logo on the package (see example below) your product has the following claim:

Note to Consumers: In keeping with the intent of FSC’s initiative for sustainable forests we are utilizing the existing non-FSC wood in our inventory rather than discard it. We hope you’ll appreciate our approach to sustainability.

Note to Retailers: Once all SKUs in scope have fully transitioned to only FSC Certified material, the claim will be communicated on your invoice.

Los lápices de color Premier Soft Core y Prismacolor Junior son lápices a base de cera, por lo que no están diseñados para borrarse fácilmente.

No, pero poner los lápices en un lugar cálido, bajo la luz del sol, unos minutos puede suavizar los lápices de colores a base de cera.

Desde el negro más oscuro (6B) al gris más fino (6H), la gama completa de lápices incluye lo siguiente:, 6B, 5B, 4B, 3B, 2B, B, HB, F, H, 2H, 3H, 4H, 5H, 6H.

No, las minas de Prismacolor Turquoise® en realidad no contienen plomo. Los ingredientes principales son grafito, arcilla y aglutinantes. De hecho, ningún producto de la cartera de Prismacolor contiene plomo.

Sí, hay un juego de 150 que incluye la gama completa de colores.

Los lápices de color Prismacolor Premier no se diseñaron para su uso en tela. Debido a que son lápices a base de cera, probablemente no soportarán el lavado y teñido; sin embargo, algunos de los pigmentos que se usan en los lápices de colores PODRÍAN manchar la ropa.

Prismacolor ha fabricado lápices de calidad desde 1938.

El empañado de cera es un proceso de oxidación natural de los materiales a base de cera, como la herrumbre es una oxidación del hierro. Parece una película blanca nubosa que descansa sobre un dibujo o color. Si te encuentras con el empañado de cera, simplemente limpia tu dibujo con un trapo limpio y seco y rocíalo con un fijador final para aislarlo del aire. Si notas que tus dibujos son propensos al empañado de cera, quizá desees utilizar un fijador práctico intermitentemente mientras colocas capas en tu obra y luego finalizar con un fijador final. El empañado de cera es especialmente común en climas cálidos y para los artistas que aplican mayor presión cuando trabajan con lápices de color.

Unfortunately, Lilac and Lavender were discontinued due to a raw material discontinuation. As we reviewed the potential solutions and attempted to adjust the formula to get a color match, we determined that a color match would not be possible. We understand that color consistency is important and therefore, ultimately decided to make two new colors that are near matches in color, but enough changes to warrant new names and numbers to prevent confusion. Amethyst (1104) is intended to replace Lilac and Orchid (1105) is intended to replace Lavender. These new pencils should be available to purchase individually by May 2023.

Newell Brands stands behind its products and quality controls and guarantees complete customer satisfaction with your Prismacolor product purchased from us or one of our authorized sellers in the United States. If you are not satisfied with your new Prismacolor product, please fill out our contact us form and provide a description and photos of your product and we’ll work to make it right. You must make your request within 45 days of the date of purchase.

Please note that because we are unable to control the quality of our products sold by unauthorized sellers, unless otherwise prohibited by law, the Satisfaction Guarantee is not available for products purchased from unauthorized sellers, including unauthorized internet sites. The Guarantee is also limited to the original, end-user purchaser in the United States.

How To Claim The Guarantee
To submit a Guarantee request, please fill out the contact us form. Please have information available regarding where and when you purchased your product, your reason for dissatisfaction, and proof of purchase. Please note that you may be asked to submit photo(s) of your product, provide proof of purchase, and provide other information to assist us in processing your request. You must submit your Guarantee request within 45 days of the date of purchase.

Guarantee Guidelines
Newell Brands reserves the right to verify information, require a valid proof of purchase, and to deny Guarantee requests in its discretion in cases of suspected fraud or where Newell Brands concludes that the purchaser has abused the Satisfaction Guarantee. We may amend or terminate the Satisfaction Guarantee at any time without notice. If you have any questions regarding whether a seller is an authorized seller of our products, please contact us at 1-877-724-8324.

Effective: February 1st, 2024